24 mai 2014

Tiny Updates ~*

Hi lovelies !

I'm soooo sorry for the lack of updates, I didn't knew my finals would take alll of my free time... But it's finally over, and I'm on vacation until July, because it'll be the start of... SUMMER JOB haha, I'm a first timer in this, and I hope everything will go well !

As for the blog, I'll of course take care of everything and update more... until I get my camera back from my flat because I forgot it .... I'm stupid haha... But it won't take long !

I also have good news because I already planned what products I want to review so if you're interested in Etude House's Skin Fit foundation, Pencil 101, Conditioning Cream and all you have to stay tunned ! I'm also testing and perfectionning some make up tutorial, if you have anything you want me to do just comment it below and I'll consider your request ~
Moreover I won Etude House's coming of age contest "Pink Blooming Day" and will be receiving a little present, I'll make a post as soon as I got it because it seems really really cute and I want to share this little happiness with all of you ^_-

This is a really small post, but I couldn't bear leaving you without any notice, so as I said, I won't leave you and I'm still thinking about this blog, just wait a little longer and we'll have fun together again !

Don't ever hesitate to make any request or recommandation, I'm all ear to it and I'll gladly answer !

My cat's face so you'll all forgive me hehe ~

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